Liz Schrenk Liz Schrenk

Celebrating Kayden’s First Birthday

This last year hasn’t been easy on any of us. It’s hard to believe that one year ago we were all hearing the news that the governor ordered a shelter-in-place, that non-essential businesses and schools were closing indefinitely. How has a year already passed?! In the shock and confusion of last spring one thing hit us especially hard here at Something Blue – not being able to work would mean missing out on weddings, families, corporate photography jobs. But the hardest was knowing we couldn’t take newborn photographs. Because as moms we know how FAST those first few days, weeks and months fly by, and there is such a small window of opportunity to capture those precious first moments of your new baby.

The first baby born into our Something Blue family during the shelter-in-place was to our dear friends Valerie and Jason. Their wedding will always be one of our favorites, we have one of their wedding photographs as the biggest one on display at our studio. Valerie and Jason were expecting their baby boy at the end of March 2020, and knowing we couldn’t meet him like we had originally planned was really devastating.

Once things settled out a bit Lindsay was finally able to meet Kayden in May, she did a couple sweet sessions with his grandparents who were helping to care for him. His big blue eyes and cute red hair won us over from the beginning, and in some ways these sessions with his grandparents were possibly just as meaningful as the newborn photos could have been. The events of 2020 forced so many of us to change plans, but one thing stayed the same – babies were born into families filled with love, and we were so honored to be able to photograph some beautiful milestones for Kayden over his first year of life.

Lindsay went to Valerie and Jason’s home to take some lifestyle birthday photographs for sweet Kayden, he loved playing with his balloons and fully face-planting into his birthday cake. These photos are as much a celebration of Kayden’s first year as they are a beautiful record of the love in Valerie and Jason’s home, what a joy and an honor to be welcomed into this family’s life.


Happy birthday, sweet boy! Watching you grow over the last year was such a joy, we can’t wait to see you again soon!!

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Liz Schrenk Liz Schrenk

Sweet Snowy Session with the Weathers Family

This is a quiet time of year for us here at Something Blue. Photographer life has been even more quiet than usual as the pandemic wears on, but we are so thankful for the opportunities we have had to check in on our Something Blue families.

This is a quiet time of year for us here at Something Blue. Photographer life has been even more quiet than usual as the pandemic wears on, but we are so thankful for the opportunities we have had to check in on our Something Blue families. We met the sweet Weathers family through our friend April (look for a blog post about her coming soon!) and Christy just LOVED spending a snowy afternoon with them for some updated family photos!! Ashleigh did an AMAZING job styling everyone (on short notice, no less!) and the kids braved the cold and showed off their smiles to earn pizza after they finished!! We love how these photos turned out and can’t wait to see this beautiful family again soon (hopefully in warmer weather!)

Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
Snow Family Photo Session Chicago Family Photographer
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Liz Schrenk Liz Schrenk

Vintage VW Bus Family Mini Sessions

We were thrilled this year to offer festive VW Bus mini sessions for our Something Blue family VIPs, this bus made the most picturesque backdrop!! And we were so thankful to our host families for letting us camp out in their beautiful yards during these long days of shooting!

If you have visited our studio in Scarsdale, you know that we are business neighbors with ProCoat, a home painting and deck restoration company. We love working next door to ProCoat, Dave and his team are all so friendly! It’s good to have good neighbors : ) Dave’s assistant Mary is married to Jeff, a local vintage car enthusiast who has THE cutest vintage red VW bus. We were thrilled this year to offer festive VW Bus mini sessions for our Something Blue family VIPs, Jeff’s bus made the most picturesque backdrop!! And we were so thankful to our host families for letting us camp out in their beautiful yards during these long days of shooting!

We spread out the holiday magic over three days, Lindsay and Christy were absolute rockstars styling the bus, working with the unpredictable weather, and photographing THIRTY-FIVE of our favorite Something Blue families!! These photographs put us all in the holiday spirit, we wish all of our Something Blue families a happy and healthy holiday season!

VW Bus Holiday Christmas Mini Sessions
VW Bus Holiday Family Christmas Mini Sessions
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
SBP28982.jpgHoliday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
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