Liz Schrenk Liz Schrenk

Something YOU – Liz

I have known Liz since high school, but through Something Blue I have gotten to know her better as we know both gracefully slide into our forties. Liz sent me a message a few days before our spring Something You event asking if she could join us…

I have known Liz since high school, but through Something Blue I have gotten to know her better as we know both gracefully slide into our forties. Liz sent me a message a few days before our spring Something You event asking if she could join us – I was thrilled to hear from her and even happier to have the opportunity to reconnect at this session! While Elisa worked her magic pampering Liz, I loved being able to hear about her adventures abroad and the ways she has grown over the last few years. Liz, you inspired me that morning to be more confident, to take ownership and move forward with courage. Christy took some gorgeous photos of Liz that day, these are just a few of our favorites.


We hope to see you again soon, Liz, thank you for joining us at the studio for this Something You session!

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Liz Schrenk Liz Schrenk

Something YOU – Bravely Facing Cancer and Chemo Head-On

We first met Julie’s family at a sweet snowy session earlier this year. After sharing some of Nancy’s bad-ass wig-free photos on social media, Julie reached out asking if she could come to the studio for a special Something You session. Julie told us she had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, and that the chemotherapy treatments were causing her hair to fall out in clumps. It was time to shave her head, and seeing Nancy’s bold photos inspired Julie to have her head shaved at our studio. She bravely wanted have photographs of this incredibly difficult moment.

When Julie arrived with her family and sister, she was visibly and understandably tense. As a mother, she worried about what her daughters would think watching their Mom lose her hair. The lovely and talented Elisa did Julie’s makeup before we began, That time when a client is being pampered at our studio is usually joyful, but this time, the mood felt heavy. We all felt Julie’s grief and pain, and as we inched closer to the time to shave her head there were a lot of tears shed in that space.

We invited our friend and neighbor Denise to come to this session to shave Julie’s head. Denise is a cancer survivor, and having been down this road herself she brought wisdom and empathy and JOY to the studio when she arrived. She was an angel guiding Julie down a very difficult path.

After Julie’s sister braided a small section of Julie’s hair to keep, Denise started cutting off her auburn locks. We were all crying in that moment. But Julie bravely pushed forward, holding her daughters close as she showed them the true definition of courage. Once Denise got through most of her hair, Julie’s husband Kenny sweetly stepped in to finish cleaning up his wife’s head. He tenderly encouraged her throughout the morning, but watching him use the clippers on Julie was one of the most beautifully romantic things we have ever seen.

When it was over, Julie looked at herself in the mirror and her face lit up. She exclaimed, “I look like a badass!” And she really did. A badass who bravely faced into her fears in a very public way. A badass who modeled strength and courage for her daughters. A badass who will continue to fight no matter what. It was an incredibly honor to witness this transformation.


We love you, Julie, and we are cheering you on in this battle. Thank you for sharing this incredibly powerful moment with us.

To see all of Julie’s head shave photos, click here

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Liz Schrenk Liz Schrenk

Something YOU – Nancy’s Warrior Session

Nancy was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer last year – she underwent an 11 hour surgery to remove most of the cancer before starting chemotherapy in November. She is one of Christy’s closest friends, and Christy wanted to honor Nancy with this Something You session.

When we first envisioned our Something YOU sessions, we wanted to create a portrait experience that would empower women and help them feel beautiful regardless of their circumstances. It has been such a joy doing these sessions for a wide variety of women, women who all inspire us in different ways. This session was honestly one of the most inspiring and beautiful moments I have ever experienced as a photographer. Christy invited her amazing friend Nancy to join us at the studio, and it was an unforgettable morning.

Nancy was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer last year – she underwent an 11 hour surgery to remove most of the cancer before starting chemotherapy in November. She is one of Christy’s closest friends, and Christy wanted to honor Nancy with this Something You session. She wasn’t sure if her friend would be up for doing something like this, after all it requires a ton of courage and vulnerability to get your photo taken ANY time, but at this particular time in her life Nancy was facing so much uncertainty.

With the help of the incredibly talented Elisa of Elisa Artistry, Nancy was pampered as she mentally prepared for her session. Christy is amazing at making everyone feel comfortable, and once she started shooting Nancy really began to open up and show her amazing personality. The narrative arc of these photos is so stunning to me; she started the session reserved and unsure of herself, and before long was owning every pose and absolutely KILLING it. She absolutely rocked both of her glamorous wigs (which her dear friend and cheerleader Stacy helped her fix and style throughout the shoot). One of our favorite moments was when Nancy started flicking off the camera while wearing the cancer awareness shirts that her incredible friends had made for her.


After Christy captured tons of gorgeous shots of Nancy in her wigs, we asked if she would feel comfortable taking off her wig for some photographs. Nancy bravely agreed, and we all cried along with her as she exposed her bald head. Her strength, courage and vulnerability is amazing, we are in awe of this beautiful woman.


The Monday after this session Nancy went to her doctor for a scan. The scan came back clear, meaning she is now showing no evidence of disease!! What awesome news to celebrate!

Thank you, Nancy, for being so amazing and sharing your story and journey with us. It was an honor to take these photographs for you.

To see all of Nancy’s Something You photos, click here

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Liz Schrenk Liz Schrenk

Something YOU – Donna Marie’s Warrior Session

Two weeks after she was released from the hospital, my dear friend Donna Marie agreed to come to our studio for a Something You session. From these photos you would never know that DM is someone who has fought many long and scary battles for her health…

Two weeks after she was released from the hospital, my dear friend Donna Marie agreed to come to our studio for a Something You session. From these photos you would never know that DM is someone who has fought many long and scary battles for her health. Over the past year DM experienced recurrent concussions and spent many long days recovering - time spent away from screens, in her room with the shades drawn, waiting for her brain to recover and hoping for life to go back to “normal.” But the nature of chronic concussions is unforgiving and unrelenting, and Donna Marie has lost a lot over the last year. Then early in March complications from a uterine disease Adenomyosis and a bad reaction to medication left DM hospitalized with blood clots in her legs and lungs. Told she could die from the clots, told she could die from bleeding from the fibroids. This woman is a F I G H T E R, fierce in every sense of the word and an inspiration to SO many. I was so happy when she agreed to come honor the strength and beauty of her body by doing these photos, and of course she simply SLAYED her session!


Donna Marie brought her amazing bestie Tajali along for moral support (or I should say, Taj drove DM because she’s an absolute gem and has been supporting DM through her ongoing crisis). Once DM finished with her sexy modeling moments Taj and I hopped in for a few quick pictures. But the palpable power of celebrating Donna Marie’s life and strength got the better of all of us and we ended the session in tears. What a beautiful thing it is when women empower women.

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