Liz Schrenk Liz Schrenk

Vintage VW Bus Family Mini Sessions

We were thrilled this year to offer festive VW Bus mini sessions for our Something Blue family VIPs, this bus made the most picturesque backdrop!! And we were so thankful to our host families for letting us camp out in their beautiful yards during these long days of shooting!

If you have visited our studio in Scarsdale, you know that we are business neighbors with ProCoat, a home painting and deck restoration company. We love working next door to ProCoat, Dave and his team are all so friendly! It’s good to have good neighbors : ) Dave’s assistant Mary is married to Jeff, a local vintage car enthusiast who has THE cutest vintage red VW bus. We were thrilled this year to offer festive VW Bus mini sessions for our Something Blue family VIPs, Jeff’s bus made the most picturesque backdrop!! And we were so thankful to our host families for letting us camp out in their beautiful yards during these long days of shooting!

We spread out the holiday magic over three days, Lindsay and Christy were absolute rockstars styling the bus, working with the unpredictable weather, and photographing THIRTY-FIVE of our favorite Something Blue families!! These photographs put us all in the holiday spirit, we wish all of our Something Blue families a happy and healthy holiday season!

VW Bus Holiday Christmas Mini Sessions
VW Bus Holiday Family Christmas Mini Sessions
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
SBP28982.jpgHoliday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
Holiday Christmas Family Photo Mini Sessions Vintage VW Bus
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Liz Schrenk Liz Schrenk

Lifestyle Newborn Session - Baby Harrison

The trials of 2020 have taught us all to better value the time we have together at home with our families. Lifestyle Sessions - a more candid, less posed, comfortable in-home session - have always carried special meaning for us, but we love doing them now more than ever. Christy loved visiting this sweet family in their beautiful home to document the arrival of baby Harrison. His big siblings were SO excited to have their baby brother at home after he spent his first 10 days in the NICU. These moments are so fleeting and beautiful, what a joy that we can be a part of this family’s story.

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Studio Newborn Session - Baby Maeve

We absolutely love when newborns come visit us at our studio. There is something so sweet and peaceful about a Newborn Studio Session - Lindsay and Christy love having the chance to document this fleeting moment in the lives of our Something Blue families. Beautiful Maeve was born five weeks early and was the perfect model for Lindsay, she slept through her whole session! Maeve's big brother Aiden was very excited to be with his new sister, we are so thankful to have this family as part of our Something Blue family.


If you would like to see all of baby Maeve’s sweet newborn photos, click here

If you are interested in scheduling a Studio Newborn Session, please contact us

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